Advertising Age has just released its annual survey of the average cost of an advertisement on broadcast TV shows, and the results are fascinating brain candy for the TV fetishist. Fox dominates the ad dollars with five of the six most expensive shows on TV. The upcoming Simon Cowell-free season of American Idol ranks at No. 1 with an average of $467,617 for a 30-second spot. While slots 3-6 are taken up by Glee, Family Guy, The Simpsons, and House.
The list makes for interesting reading: check out the complete top ten after the jump. It’s especially fascinating to see the relative old age of all the most expensive shows: Setting aside Glee, the four youngest shows in the top ten are House, The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives, which are all in their seventh seasons.
Here’s the top ten most expensive shows for advertisers:
1. American Idol (Fox), $467, 617 ($400,546 for the results show)
2. Sunday Night Football (NBC), $415,000
3. Glee (Fox), $272,694 ($373,014 in the spring)
4. Family Guy (Fox), $259, 289
5. The Simpsons (Fox) — $253, 170
6. House (Fox), $226, 180
7. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC), $222,113
8. The Office (NBC), $213,617
9. Desperate Housewives (ABC), $210,064
10. Two and a Half Men (CBS), $206,722
Source: Entertainment Weekly
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